Eligibility Requirements
These eligibility requirements were last updated on May 5, 2024.
All speculative fiction (fantasy, sci-fi, alternative history, horror) is eligible. Please note that horror entries must contain speculative elements.
Entries must be published by July 31, 2024. In this case, published means that any member of the general public must be able to have access to your work. This could be available to purchase, through a program like Kindle Unlimited, or free through a newsletter (this is not an exhaustive list).
Books published through the Kindle Vella program are ineligible for this competition as Vella is US only.
Works must be between 15,000 and 40,000 words. Entries longer than 40,000 words should consider entering SPFBO (for fantasy works) and SPSFC (for science fiction works).
Works must either be self-published or published by a small indie press (use your discretion and ensure your entry follows the mission and purpose of the competition).
Definition of Self-Published: When you sell a copy of your book, after the vendor (such as Amazon) takes their cut, you as the author get the remainder of the money. In other words, you are not paid out royalties by an intermediary party (like a publisher).
Definition of Small Press: We understand that what is considered an “indie” or “small” press can be up for debate. For the purposes of this competition, to be eligible you must (1) not have distribution through a major publisher and (2) meets the goals and spirit of this competition; our goal is to highlight works by authors whose books generally struggle to get noticed. Determination of eligibility will be made on a case by case basis.
No works produced by AI are permitted. In this case, AI is not allowed to contribute to authorial content. Using AI to proofread, grammar check, etc. is permissible.
Works must either be the first in a series or act as a standalone
We will not be accepting short story collections.
Only one entry per author per year is permitted. If a work is co-authored, that work is considered the submission for all of the authors.
Entries must be submitted as an epub format. Other file types and formats will not be accepted.